Taylor Kay Grider

Taylor Kay Grider

Taylor Kay Grider was born March 18, 1999, to Tim and Tami Grider of Russell Springs,, Ky. Taylor came to WKU in 2017 as a student pursuing a major in biochemistry. While on the Hill, she quickly found her community, clicking with new friends and her sorority. She was very active within the Rho chapter of Omega Phi Alpha, as a member, the nation’s service committee head, parliamentarian, a standards board member, and a Rho Chi to help lead recruitment. She was also a member of the Mahurin Honors College. All who knew Taylor remarked on how compassionate, service-minded, and bright she was.

Taylor passed away suddenly Oct. 13, 2019. In addition to her parents, she is survived by her sister, Sara, and brother, Logan. To honor her memory, her sisters at Omega Phi Alpha established the Taylor Kay Grider Memorial Scholarship Fund in April 2020. The fund assists members of the sorority who represent the values of the chapter. Through this fund, Taylor’s legacy on the Hill and beyond will continue in perpetuity.
