Ruby Daniel

Ruby Daniel

Ruby Duffer Daniel was born in October of 1903. After graduating from Boyce High School, Ruby attended WKU, where she earned a Bachelor of Science in behavioral science in 1954. She then spent 39 years as an educator in the Warren County and Bowling Green City School systems. During her career, she taught at T.C. Cherry from 1967 through 1971. She was a member of the Retired Teachers Association, a Kentucky Colonel, and was named Tennessee Ambassador of Goodwill by the governor of Tennessee.

Ruby was also a member of the First Baptist Church of Bowling Green, Kentucky. At First Baptist, she attended Priscilla Sunday School and Victoria Sunday School. She was also a member of the Bowling Green Bellringers in association with her church. This group rang handbells at concerts and church functions, including a concert to celebrate Constitution’s Bicentennial at Fountain Square Park.

To honor her legacy the Ruby Daniel Scholarship Fund was established. The fund assists WKU students who are graduates of Warren County or Bowling Green Independent School districts and are pursuing a degree in teacher education. Through this fund, Ruby’s memory lives on in perpetuity.
